Friday, January 22, 2010

Where to be or where not to be...that is the question.

When you find yourself in the middle of an uprising of Zombies, where is the absolute worst place for you to be? Because of the fact that there is more than one bad place to be during the Zombie Apocalypse, this is going to function as more of a "top ten list," with only three spots, which can be categorized as best of the worst to "AAAGGGGGHHHHHH I'M BEING EATEN BY 100 ZOMBIES ALL AT ONCE!!!!!!!"

3) A School

One may think that this would actually be a pretty decent place to hide because of the nature of school's and their "let's not let any weirdo's with a mustache and a van with no windows in" policy in how they actually make the school's now-a-days, but there are several drawbacks to this plan. If you find a school, it may be a bit difficult to get in because of the lack of roof entrances and the probability that it will be locked and impossible to get in without compromising the safety of the school once you are inside. Also, once you are inside there is the distinct possibility that there could be zombies inside. No big deal, right? Well, unless you are mentally prepared to kill kids, by that I mean under 18, then you may want to stay away from schools when zombies are attacking you. Also, the idea would also be hampered by the amount of windows that you would need to block up. I don't know about you, but my high school had a billions windows and all of them were not very high quality. So unless you are a very skilled carpenter and can makeshift desks into boards to block the windows, stay away from schools.

2) Apartment Building

Notice that in the beginning of this clip, the beginning of the outbreak in Romero's Diary of the Dead, the place that people are being wheeled out of is an apartment building. There are quite a few reasons why an apartment building would be one of the worst places for you to be during an outbreak. First, there is a high population of people living in Apartment buildings. If one person becomes infected, it is likely only a matter of minutes before the entire building is filled with zombies and you are locked in your apartment with the only likely escape being scaling the outside wall. In Max Brooks' book, World War Z, there is an entire chapter that is dedicated to this, actually it is a chapter that refers to the lengths that this computer nerd will go to save his life in the real world, as contrasted by the world on his computer, but it fits. This guy ends up having to scale 20 stories to get to the road just to start running away. Apartment buildings are a bad idea. Also worth noting is the beginning of the original Dawn of the Dead where the movie starts us out in an urban apartment complex where the dead are overrunning the living and there is the horrific scene where all of the inhabitants of the building wrapped up their dead and put them in the basement and the two protagonists of the movie encounter them and have to step through the dead and shoot 20-25 zombies. Not only is there the problem of being at the top of the building, if you live there, but the problem of cramped spaces severely retards your chances of getting out of that apartment building alive, or I should say, not a zombie. The best thing is to just stay away from any apartment building, unless you are in a video game and have unlimited supplies of ammunition and unlimited lives; otherwise, not a smart idea.

1) Hospital

This is by far the worst place that you could possibly be during a zombie outbreak.

If you are bitten by a zombie, where is the first place that any normal person is going to go? The Hospital in order to get the bite taken care of. That would be logical, especially if you had no idea that the thing that bit you was a zombie. You get admitted, are resting in a nice hospital bed, the infection begins to set in and you start breathing slower and slower, your blood begins to thicken and turn an off shade of brown/red, and then you die. But not for long, you rise and crave the flesh of the living, WHICH IS ALL AROUND YOU!!! Once one person gets bitten and is brought/comes into the hospital, it is over. That hospital is done for. As the above video clip, from Diary of the Dead, assumes, the hospital is a bad place to be because there are lots of people who are dying or have been bitten by a zombie and will soon be a zombie. Although there is likely a major supply of weapons (as the people in the above video find, and they even get a bit creative with killing the nurse), it is your best bet to just stay away and take your chances somewhere else.

Where else would you go? What would be the best place to be during a zombie outbreak? In a zombie outbreak there is no fail safe place to be. The best thing to do is hold up somewhere with food and supplies. If you have enough food in your house for a week or so, stay there. Your best bet is going to be to stay at home until the initial outbreak is past then once you run out of food go out and find a place that has survivors. Although, being in a group of people may not be the best idea. Groups normally don't last long in a zombie outbreak, but if you are alone I would suggest trying to find a small group of maybe 4 or 5 people and holding up with them until help comes, which it may or may not do. There is no fail safe in a zombie outbreak, it is survival of the fittest and in order to survive you need to have all of your options open.

Next: Choose your weapon wisely....

Saturday, January 16, 2010

How to start...

It is my personal belief that one needs to be prepared for any and everything that he/she could possibly imagine. From an earthquake (or any natural disaster for that matter), to the horrific situation of someone breaking into your house, and even to the very likely case that the dead will rise and begin to feast on the flesh of the living.

That is what this blog is for. It is my humble attempt to begin a discussion amongst zombie enthusiasts, those that believe there will be a zombie apocalypse, and pretty much anyone who is interested in the idea of surviving when your mother or son comes back to life and tries to eat you.

This should be a fun and stimulating experience for all involved. Not like there will be anybody out there who really gives a crap and reads this, but just in case for those few who have a desire for the best ideas whenever the zombie apocalypse happens, because my friends, it will, then there is a blog that may be able to help out.

I am a Christian and do not believe in the idea of natural selection or survival of the fittest, but when your friends start reanimating and trying to take a bite out of your arm....those who are the most prepared will live through it. I would like to think of it as survival of the smartest.....

First battle plan to come shortly....